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The transcriptome of the invasive eel swimbladder nematode parasite Anguillicola crassus

机译:侵入性鳗鱼游泳线虫寄生虫anguillicola crassus的转录组



ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Anguillicola crassus is an economically and ecologically important parasitic nematode of eels. The native range of A. crassus is in East Asia, where it infects Anguilla japonica, the Japanese eel. A. crassus was introduced into European eels, Anguilla anguilla, 30 years ago. The parasite is more pathogenic in its new host than in its native one, and is thought to threaten the endangered An. anguilla across its range. The molecular bases for the increased pathogenicity of the nematodes in their new hosts is not known. RESULTS: A reference transcriptome was assembled for A. crassus from Roche 454 pyrosequencing data. Raw reads (756,363 total) from nematodes from An. japonica and An. anguilla hosts were filtered for likely host contaminats and ribosomal RNAs. The remaining 353,055 reads were assembled into 11,372 contigs of a high confidence assembly (spanning 6.6 Mb) and an additional 21,153 singletons and contigs of a lower confidence assembly (spanning an additional 6.2 Mb). Roughly 55% of the high condence assembly contigs were annotated with domain- or protein sequence similarity derived functional information. Sequences conserved only in nematodes, or unique to A. crassus were more likely to have secretory signal peptides. Thousands of high quality single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified, and coding polymorphism was correlated with diffrential expression between individual nematodes. Transcripts identfied as being under positive selection were enriched in peptidases. Enzymes involved in energy metabolism were enriched in the set of genes differentially expressed between European and Asian A. crassus. CONCLUSIONS: The reference transcriptome of A. crassus is of high quality, and will serve as a basis for future work on the invasion biology of this important parasite. The polymorphisms identied will provide a key tool set for analysis of population structure and identication of genes likely to be involved in increased pathogenicity in European eel hosts. The identication of peptidases under positive selection is a first step in this programme.
机译:摘要:背景:鳗鳗(Anguillicola crassus)是鳗鱼的一种在经济和生态上重要的寄生线虫。 crassus的原生种在东亚,在这里它会感染日本鳗鱼Anguilla japonica。二十世纪三十年代,油曲霉被引入欧洲鳗,(Anguilla anguilla)。该寄生虫在其新宿主中比在其本地宿主中更具致病性,并被认为威胁着濒临灭绝的An。安圭拉岛。线虫在其新宿主中增加致病性的分子基础尚不清楚。结果:从罗氏454焦磷酸测序数据组装了crassus的参照转录组。从An。的线虫原始读取(总共756,363)。日本和安过滤了安圭拉宿主,以获得可能的宿主污染和核糖体RNA。剩余的353,055个读段被组装为高可信度程序集(跨越6.6 Mb)的11372个重叠群和较低可信度程序集(跨越了6.2 Mb)的另外21,153个单例和重叠群。约55%的高浓缩装配体重叠群标注有结构域或蛋白质序列相似性衍生的功能信息。仅在线虫中保守的序列或crassus特有的序列更有可能具有分泌信号肽。鉴定出数千个高质量的单核苷酸多态性,并且编码多态性与各个线虫之间的差异表达相关。鉴定为正选择的转录本富含肽酶。参与能量代谢的酶富集了欧洲和亚洲A. crassus之间差异表达的一组基因。结论:cras。a。crassus的参考转录组是高质量的,并将作为该重要寄生虫入侵生物学的未来工作的基础。鉴定出的多态性将为分析种群结构和鉴定可能与欧洲鳗鱼宿主致病性增加有关的基因提供一个关键的工具集。在阳性选择下鉴定肽酶是该程序的第一步。



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